Wykłady prof. Davida Scaradozzi
Wykłady w formie zdalnej dla 5 wydziałów Prof. David Scaradozzi z Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Włochy.
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David Scaradozzi (BEng, MEng, PhD, accredited Engineer, Assistant professor at Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione and Mobility Delegate of the Engineering Faculty at UNIVPM, Member of the UNIVPM Academic Senate, ChercheurAssocié at LSIS – umr CNRS 6168 – Marseille, France) graduated in Electronic Engineering at Università Politecnica delle Marche in 2001. After the PhD in Intelligent Artificial Systems, he worked in the R&D department of Indesit Company. Since 2007 he is researcher at the Department of Information Engineering of Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM).
At UNIVPM, David Scaradozzi is a member of the Professors Board of the PhD School in Information Engineering and is Chair of the courses: “Model Identification and Data Analysis” (Bachelor’s Degree in Automation Engineering); “Design and Optimisation of the Control systems” (Master’s Degree in Automation Engineering); “Advanced virtual instruments for simulation and control of complex systems” (PhD School in Information Engineering). For the period 2014 – 2018 he was vice president of the Information Engineering Commission at the Italian Association of Professional Engineers (Department of Ancona). Since 2014 he is the Mobility Delegate of the Engineering Faculty.
Since 2013, David is ChercheurAssocié at LSIS – umr CNRS 6168 – Marseille, France.
He has been also accredited ROV pilot of the micro and small class category since 2001 and specialized electronic technician for use and repair of underwater acoustic positioning systems
He is author of about 100 publications in refereed international journals, books and conferences. His research activities are in the fields of:
- Control and Optimization of dynamical systems;
- Robotics and Automation (motion and interaction control problems in distributed agents; rapid prototyping and mechatronics);
- Underwater robotics and marine technologies, focusing on tools for 3D scientific documentation of sea operative surveys for marine protected areas and archaeological sites study using Divers, AUVs, ROVs and other technological devices;
- Educational Robotics, with special interests devoted to all the aspects regarding the identification and assessment of education processes, study and development of new robotic tools and lesson plans for teaching e-STrEM (environmental Science Technology robotics Engineering Maths) subjects, in formal and nonformal education.
He has been involved in different research projects funded by the European Commission as principal investigator and coordinator (the RoboPisces project with the aim to develop robots and lesson plans for teaching marine robotics and oceans literacy at the Primary School is one of the last), in collaboration with several industrial companies and academic bodies both national and international, all in the field of robotics and automation. Furthermore, he has been involved in national projects where he was responsible for conducting the scientific documentation of sea operative surveys for archaeological sites study. In the field of Educational Robotics, during last decade he directed many experimentations involving students of primary and secondary schools. He cooperated with more than 60 primary and secondary schools in Italy, with the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Italian Ministry for Equal Opportunities and INDIRE (the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research, the Italian Ministry of Education’s oldest research organisation).